I'm Mike (he/him/his), I live in Guilford, CT, and I'm a proud alum of Pomfret School attending the University of Vermont starting fall 2020. I'm just a regular guy who saw that the media was failing to inform the people about current issues. Teaching people that they are not alone in their struggles, and that millions share them, is essential, because people in power don't want you to know that. So I'm just trying to do my part in helping to provide people with a reliable alternative media source and help make sense of these crazy times. I'm a big hockey fan - Auston Matthews is my favorite player - and I make music for fun on the side. I love listening to Kanye West, the Beatles, and tons more. When I'm bored, you'll find me posted on my couch watching Trailer Park Boys. You can find me on Instagram and Twitter.

Hello, my name is André (he/him/his) and I'm from Old Lyme, CT. I'm studying journalism at Boston University starting in the fall of 2020, and I co-founded this organization because I think a lot of people in this country don't realize how bad things really are. These flaws in our system are aggravated because the system controls the information people consume due to corporate ownership of media. I think sources of alternative media, even if it's some teenagers on Instagram and Twitter, can have a huge impact on how people see the world. So I think what we're doing is important. I row, do photography, speak Spanish fluently, and try my hand at cooking. Follow me on Instagram and Twitter if you want.

I'm Natalie (she/her), and I'm from New Haven, CT, although I have spent significant time living in Singapore and Beijing. I'm a recent graduate of New Haven Academy, a small magnet school, and and I'll be attending Yale University in the fall of 2020, where I plan on majoring in film studies. My favorite films include Breathless (1960), In the Mood for Love (2000), and the somewhat obscure Russian film Brother (1997). I have two part corgi dogs, and I'm allergic to milk. I joined Left Northeast because I think empowering youth action through education has always been essential. It's important to examine and combat the many problems that exist in our system, and I'm glad I can help to do so. I'm on Instagram and Twitter.

I'm Sebastian, you can call me Seb. My pronouns are he/him. I'm from New Haven, CT and I attend New Haven Academy, Nat's alma mater. Although I won't even graduate high school until the spring of 2021, I have attended a private day school, parochial school, boarding school, public school, and magnet school at some point throughout my academic career. Some fun facts about me include that I have been competitively debating since my 8th grade year, and once, when I was 14, I played soccer on the 18th hole of St. Andrews Links in Scotland the oldest golf course in the world and was chased off by security. I co-founded Left Northeast because I wanted to counter the narratives and popular misconceptions that exist around leftist ideology. I also think it's crucial that the left focuses on unity and praxis during these troubling times. Here's my Instagram and Twitter.

Hey, everyone! my name is Zoe Rivera (pronouns: she/they) and I'm from Somerset, NJ. My current favorite show is Money Heist, my favorite reading genres are historical fiction and fantasy, and I love binge-listening to "slowed + reverb-ed" songs on YouTube late at night! I'll be attending Pitzer College in Claremont, California starting in fall 2020! I joined Left Northeast because I'm passionate about educating the American electorate. The establishment's time in the sun is ending; the only type of society in which marginalized communities and the working class will be able to live unoppressed is a collectivized egalitarian one. My comrades and I are looking forward to making this "radical" dream a reality! Fight with me for justice on Instagram and Twitter.

@leftnortheast was an Instagram page created by three students in the northeastern United States. We came up with the idea for the page after Bernie dropped out, because we felt we had to contribute to the movement if we wanted to help bring about positive change. We felt that making leftist ideology more accessible to the average person would be a great start. Follow us on Instagram for content and DM with any questions. You can also follow us on Twitter and check out our YouTube channel.

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