Cable News Network. (2021, April 26). Barefoot Elon Musk says 'a bunch of people will probably die' getting to mars - CNN video. CNN. Retrieved September 28, 2021, from

The month of August has been a busy one for the Left Northeast team. We were super busy making our first YouTube video, creating and working on Fourth Wall, and networking with left-wing people, organizations and movements throughout the world. We've also started some other projects you'll see soon. We apologize for being less active on this blog,...

We skipped unlucky #13, but we have some great articles from the past two weeks to pull you through.

This week, we have a heavy focus on the Supreme Court, as well as on Pride Month, the police, and our stimulus bill.

Sorry again for the one-day delay; we have some excellent articles on the institution of policing that every well-meaning American should read. We encourage you to send these along to open-minded friends and family.

Sorry for the one-day delay posting this one. We were reupholstering our website and couldn't publish it until today.

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