Deeper Dive

We'll update this page with content we come across that's worth checking out!

If you're bored, check out some longer, substantive content on this YouTube playlist, curated by us.

In film, the theoretical "fourth wall" is an invisible, imagined wall that separates the actors from the audience. Directors will "break" the fourth wall when the world between the fiction performance and the real-life audiences are no longer separate ones. We have decided to break the Fourth Wall of corporate media and the capitalist class, and...

This week, we're seeing our mainstream media try to manufacture consent to continue the war in Afghanistan with baseless claims about Russian bounties on US soldiers. As many take the unnamed "US intelligence officials" at their word, we take a look back throughout history and see a repeating pattern of our government lying to us to garner support...

This clip from the Kyle Kulinski Show breaks down really well why Obama, and liberals as a whole, are no better than Donald Trump, the man media's told you to hate.

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