AOC and Justin Jackson


Works Cited:

Baker, Dean. "If Worker Pay Had Kept Pace With Productivity Gains Since 1968, Today's Minimum Wage Would Be $24 an Hour." Common Dreams, 21 Jan. 2020,

Fronstin, Paul, and Stephen A. Woodbury. "How Many Americans Have Lost Jobs with Employer Health Coverage During the Pandemic?" How Many Have Lost Jobs with Employer Coverage During Pandemic? | Commonwealth Fund, 7 Oct. 2020,

Gray, Briahna Joy. "The Case for Forcing a Floor Vote on Medicare for All." Current Affairs,

Jones, Bradley. "Increasing Share of Americans Favor a Single Government Program to Provide Health Care Coverage." Pew Research Center, 30 Sept. 2020,

Lorde, Audre. "The Master's Tools Will Never Dismantle the Master's House." Collective Liberation,

Schroeder, Robert. "Biden Calls for $15 Minimum Wage, Public-Option Health Plan in First Campaign Speech." MarketWatch, 29 Apr. 2019,

Schulte, Gabriela. "Poll: 69 Percent of Voters Support Medicare for All." The Hill, 24 Apr. 2020,

Sirota, David. "Here's What Medicare For All Supporters In Congress Can Actually Do." The Daily Poster, 13 Dec. 2020,

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