Climate & Capitalism


Works Cited:

Brown, Hayes. "A Republican Moon Tweet Highlights the GOP's Anti-Science Beliefs." MSNBC, 26 Oct. 2020,

Davis, Steven J., and Ken Caldeira. "Consumption-Based Accounting of CO2 Emissions." PNAS, National Academy of Sciences, 23 Mar. 2010,

Grudin, Theodore. "How White Supremacy Caused the Climate Crisis." Earth Island Journal,

Mosher, Dave. "SpaceX Wants to Impose Its 'Own Legal Regime' on Mars for Human Settlements. A Space Law Expert Says That's Dubious, but Earth Should Take It Seriously Anyway." Business Insider, Business Insider, 3 Nov. 2020,

Riley, Tess. "Just 100 Companies Responsible for 71% of Global Emissions, Study Says." The Guardian, Guardian News and Media, 10 July 2017,

"Scientific Consensus: Earth's Climate Is Warming." NASA, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 21 Jan. 2020,

Watts, Jonathan. "We Have 12 Years to Limit Climate Change Catastrophe, Warns UN." The Guardian, Guardian News and Media, 8 Oct. 2018,

Wood, Charlie. "The Military Wants One-Hour Global Delivery. SpaceX Thinks It Can Pull It Off." Popular Science, 16 Oct. 2020,

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