What is Fascism? / Rise of European Fascism


Works Cited:

"Revolutions of 1917-1923." Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 17 Sept. 2020, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Revolutions_of_1917%E2%80%931923.

Sewell, Rob. "What Is Fascism? And Is It an Imminent Threat Today?" Marxist.com, IDOM, 18 May 2017, www.marxist.com/what-is-fascism-and-is-it-an-imminent-threat-today.htm.

Trotsky, Leon. "Fascism: What It Is and How To Fight It." Marxists.org, www.marxists.org/archive/trotsky/works/1944/1944-fas.htm.

"Trump's 'Antifa' Accusations Spark Debate in Germany, the Movement's Birthplace: DW: 03.06.2020." Deutsche Welle, www.dw.com/en/trumps-antifa-accusations-spark-debate-in-germany-the-movements-birthplace/a-53665573.

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